
Sandie Moger:

Hi, I’m Sandie, here with Sherri, we are HomeShow Garden Pros. And we’re going to be talking about Corona Tools.

Sherri Harrah:


Sandie Moger:

You brought all sorts of tools for me to learn about.

Sherri Harrah:

Yeah. And, in particular, pruners. Corona has a whole line of amazing tools, but their pruners are awesome. And there’s a pruner for every job. Did you know that? Some people think-

Sandie Moger:

Ah, different pruners for different choices.

Sherri Harrah:

Yeah, they think pruners are just pruners, right? And they just go buy one and then by the end of the job your hand hurts.

Sandie Moger:


Sherri Harrah:

And there’s a reason.

Sandie Moger:

Or you destroyed a branch.

Sherri Harrah:

Yeah. So tools are rated to what they can cut. So you always see these little numbers here. This one’s half an inch, this one’s three fourths inch. And that just means how big of a branch it can cut.

Sandie Moger:


Sherri Harrah:

So the bigger the branch, the bigger the number needs to be.

Sandie Moger:


Sherri Harrah:

So if you’re doing a little job, just get a everyday kind of pruner, so the long straight snips or this ergonomic one right here.

Sandie Moger:

I couldn’t resist, this one is great.

Sherri Harrah:

Yeah, it’s got that nice pad that fits into your hand here. It’s small, especially for us with little hands. And this finger loop that keeps it in place.

Sandie Moger:

Secures it without being tight.

Sherri Harrah:

It’s easy to open and close right here, and then it just moves with ease.

Sandie Moger:

Oh, nice.

Sherri Harrah:

So this is my favorite one to use in the tomato garden.

Sandie Moger:

This one’s coming home with me.

Sherri Harrah:

Yeah. And for bigger jobs we have to have a bigger pruner. This one’s another kind of everyday. Just see how easy that is to-

Sandie Moger:

Now, you said, “…bigger pruner,” but it still is nice in the hand.

Sherri Harrah:

Yeah, it’s bigger capacity than this one. So that’s going to be for… You’re just going to go out and cut a few branches, right? Nothing real heavy duty, right? Just cut small things.

Sandie Moger:

These are nice.

Sherri Harrah:

Maybe trim some roses or cut some flowers to bring in. But then we get to something like this, and we need a heavy duty pruner because using something like this just is… I mean, you could probably get through there because their blades are super sharp, but it’s going to hurt your hand and it could break your tool. So you’d need something bigger. This one goes one and three fourths inches, so that’s a big lopper.

Sandie Moger:


Sherri Harrah:

Something like this is one and a fourth inch. And this is great because this one’s going to go really high up and it’s got an extendable and a swivel cut to it. So that one’s great for tree pruning or cleaning up trees.

Sandie Moger:

Perfect. Perfect.

Sherri Harrah:

It’s been very windy lately.

Sandie Moger:

Here, let me try this one.

Sherri Harrah:

Well, yeah, let me tell you about this real quick, because this one goes up to three inches. So when we’re getting that big we need to put the pruners away and get the saw out.

Sandie Moger:

And then the saw just flips right out, looks like. Nice.

Sherri Harrah:

Yes. So this one is for bigger jobs.

Sandie Moger:

And it stores well.

Sherri Harrah:

Yeah. So just show them how easy this cuts.

Sandie Moger:


Sherri Harrah:

This big branch right here.

Sandie Moger:

Okay. There you go.

Sherri Harrah:

And there you go. Smooth as silk, right?

Sandie Moger:

Smooth as butter.

Sherri Harrah:

So the right tool is super important.

Sandie Moger:

Yes. And they’re so comfortable. I mean, all of them have a great grip on them.

Sherri Harrah:


Sandie Moger:

So thank you, Corona Tools, for being a part of HomeShow Garden Pros. And I’m Sandie, been here with Sherri, HomeShow Garden Pros. Go check out for more videos like this and information.

Sherri Harrah:

Or join us on Saturday morning, 7:00 to 9:00.

Sandie Moger:
