Houston Organic Garden Tips & Advice
It is that time of year when we hear about brown patch in our lawns. Isaac from Spring Gardens Nursery is here to help guide us through that and prevent it hopefully.
Isaac Smuin:
Okay. So, what are some steps we should take to prevent brown patch?
Isaac Smuin:
One thing that we can do is aerate. That’s removing the cores of soil that’ll help with water and air filtration, so you don’t have the puddling. Because if you have poor drainage, you’re going to have an issue with brown patch.
Okay. What’s the next thing we need to do?
Isaac Smuin:
Next thing that we can do is apply this product. This is MicroLife Brown Patch. It’s a fertilizer, and it has microbes in there that will help prevent brown patch and other fungal issues.
Okay. What about our watering? Because I know we’re getting some rain coming, and I’ve heard you talking about watch out how much we’re watering our lawns.
Isaac Smuin:
Right. With the cooler temperatures and the added moisture, we need to reduce the frequency and the time that it’s running. So you don’t want to over water because with the water you’ll be more prone to have brown patch issues.
Okay. All right. So aeration, reduce our watering, and spread the MicroLife Brown Patch.
Isaac Smuin:
Yes. It’s a great preventative and a fertilizer.
That’s great. We get two in one.
Isaac Smuin:
Well, wonderful. So now we know aeration, reduce our water, and spread the Brown Patch.
Isaac Smuin:
Awesome. Thank you very much, Isaac from Spring Gardens Nursery.
This is Homeshow Garden Pros for more information.